

Latest product updates on the Nebuly Platform
What's New
Apr 16, 2024
Global filters
Filters that stay on as you navigate
With our latest update you can use global filters that are shared across the platform pages. These filters are particularly useful when you want to analyse your data about a specific user group.

New & Improved
- The external endpoints that can be used to embed our overview, user-intelligence and warnings pages have been updated considering the latest platform UX. Find more info on our Docs.
- The overview, user-intelligence and warnings pages have a refreshed UI
- The Navbar and the main platform components feature a redesigned UI

- We fixed a bug in the intent computation that was creating new intents for newer interactions, even when the same intent already existed.

Apr 12, 2024
Intent search and a new user warning category
Search your users intents
Now you can simply search over all the intents and apply filters. You can easily find the information you are looking for in a matter of seconds.

We also added a new “Harassment” category to user warnings. This category shows when the user is trying to harass the model or cover some not-allowed topics like asking for explixit sexual content or asking for dangerous information (like building a bomb).
LLM user intent search
Apr 5, 2024
Update on user warnings
We grouped user warnings into 4 categories

1. Business warnings: valuable customer insights on what you can improve in your product and business

2. Lack of personalization: users do not find the model responses tailored to their specific user profile. This may be because the answers are too complex or simply not relevant to their needs.

3. Wrong information: users complain about information being wrong.

4. Limited capabilities: users are asking tasks that the LLM can not perform.
LLM user warning categories